Post card, Post care is a charity fund-raising campaign dedicated to pass on people's care to others. 邮邮爱是一项慈善筹款活动,致力于在人与人之间传递关心。
Mali will organize a week long awareness and fund-raising campaign, including a mega concert featuring African FAO Goodwill Ambassadors in Bamako on26 October. 马里将组织为期一周的提高认识和集资活动,包括10月26日在巴马科举办的一次由粮农组织亲善大使参加的大型音乐会。
Conducting an effective fund-raising campaign helps ensure adequate resources for your incubator. 保持一个有效的增长基金运作模式将保证对孵化器提供足够的资源。
A fund-raising campaign was started to contract a new assembly. 为建造一所新的聚会堂的资金募集活动开始了。
They teed off the fund-raising campaign, with a dinner. 他们以宴会开始募捐运动。
The fund-raising campaign was kicked off by a millionaire. 一位百万富翁发起捐款运动。
Saudi Arabia conducted a fund-raising campaign for Palestinian 沙特为支援巴勒斯坦进行募捐
Ginger up a fund-raising campaign 使资金筹募活动更为活泼
To express the aspirations and interests of group members and maintain political influence, interest groups often set up their own political action committee by means of fund-raising and donations, reviewing the council members of Congress and mobilizing grass-roots voters to participate in a modern election campaign. 并对利益集团为表达本团体成员的利益诉求和保持对政治的影响所采取的主要方式(组建各自的政治行动委员会,采用筹款和捐款、评议国会议员、动员基层选民等)做了具体分析。